Pragmatic Insights
Node Girls 2017 Wrap Up
Last week we held our final Node Girls Sydney meetup for 2017. It has been an amazing year of achievements for the group, so it feels timely that we reflect and share.
Giving Back to the Community
Learning and sharing is a key ingredient within Pragmateam’s culture. While we have a very healthy internal shareback rhythm (more about this later) we also actively seek ways to give back to the community, sharing our techniques, experiments and learnings.
What was the Return on (time) Investment?
In the spirit of continuous improvement, we should always be actively seeking feedback, opportunities to do better next time.
At Pragmateam we believe in learning and improving so much so that we have captured a number of OKRs around learning culture, one specifically regarding meetings, workshops and sessions.
The Retro Challenge - Why a 'slow' sprint is a great opportunity
Instead of a reason not to run a retro, a slow sprint can be a tremendous opportunity: How often does your team take the time to reflect on topics outside of the regular sprint activities?
Observations of a new starter
It is inevitable that we make mistakes in a new environment. But if we allowed ourselves, and if others allowed us, to make mistakes on a small scale in rapid succession, then we can avoid failing big.