What was the Return on (time) Investment?

Previously Dominik talked us through his view on "Why are meetings still so ineffective?". As a sequel blog, below we discuss how to gather feedback and increase effectiveness.

In the spirit of continuous improvement, we should always be actively seeking feedback, opportunities to do better next time.

At Pragmateam we believe in learning and improving so much so that we have captured a number of  OKRs around learning culture, one specifically regarding meetings, workshops and sessions:

Collect and reflect on feedback from mood monitor in 100% of the applicable sessions we run.

At the completion of all sessions we look to do a quick pulse check on feedback from attendees. We typically reserve 5 minutes at the completion of the session, with the intention of understanding:

  • How is the mood, how are we feeling?

  • Did we hit our objectives for the session?

  • Was it a good investment of your time?

  • What is one thing we could do better next time?

There are a number of ways to visualise and capture this, one common way being the Mood Monitor:

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  1. At the beginning of the session make attendees aware we’ll be collecting feedback at the conclusion. It’s amazing how knowing this increases accountability and focus throughout the session

  2. At the completion of the session, have a prop available close to the exit  of the session

  3. Ask attendees to think through their experience today, rating from 0 ("I should have stayed at home") to 5 ("We hit our outcomes for the day/session, the time couldn't have been better spent")

  4. Attendees place a sticky on the scale, and write on the sticky their plus 1, i.e. if rating a 3 what is one improvement we can put in place to make it a for next time

Feedback is a free gift. Select a few improvements to make at your next session.
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