Pragmatic Insights
Pragmateam Offsite - September
Every 8 weeks we spend quality time with the whole team, typically a half day offsite. Each offsite we seek to experiment in some way, shape or form. Here we share some of these experiments and what we learned from them.
What was the Return on (time) Investment?
In the spirit of continuous improvement, we should always be actively seeking feedback, opportunities to do better next time.
At Pragmateam we believe in learning and improving so much so that we have captured a number of OKRs around learning culture, one specifically regarding meetings, workshops and sessions.
The Retro Challenge - Why a 'slow' sprint is a great opportunity
Instead of a reason not to run a retro, a slow sprint can be a tremendous opportunity: How often does your team take the time to reflect on topics outside of the regular sprint activities?
Spice up your Retro - A challenge to all practitioners
Few in the Agile world would disagree that Retrospectives make up an essential part of Agile. It is anchored in the Agile Principles as “At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behaviour accordingly.”