Giving Back to the Community

Learning and sharing is a key ingredient within Pragmateam’s culture. While we have a very healthy internal shareback rhythm (more about this later) we also actively seek ways to give back to the community, sharing our techniques, experiments and learnings.

On Monday at our Start of Week, Juliano and I were reflecting on the team's recent achievements. As we went through the list, we were struck by how many events the team had participated in at the tail end of 2016; we led, facilitated, presented or mentored. Below is a quick snapshot.

For a smallish, yet passionate and thriving company, I think you’d agree it’s pretty impressive to see what we have collectively achieved. #PragmaThanks to everyone within the team.

14th November - Sydney Agile Tour

14th November - Sydney Agile Tour

Dominik Katz facilitated an “Unlocking the Coaching Habit” workshop at the Sydney Agile Tour. He provided Agile Coaching peers with a flexible model to enable natural and valuable coaching conversations within teams.


10th November - Chrome Dev Summit, San Francisco

Wilson Mendes, our resident Google developer expert, traveled to San Francisco to attend the Chrome Dev Summit. While at the conference, Wilson presented a number of internal talks about our experiences in digital transformation.

17th November, Agile Transformation Panel

Sarah Atkinson participated in an Agile Transformation expert panel hosted by Morgan McKinley. The panel discussed transformation experiences and trends, followed by Q&A with the 150 attendees.

A whitepaper of the discussion has since been published.

17th November, CukeUp! AU, Sydney

17th November, CukeUp! AU, Sydney

Ana Hermann (Technical Lead, DB, a valued partner company to Pragmateam) visited from Brazil to present on the topic of BDD Warriors at Cukeup! AU. We were excited to host Ana with our team and a select group of our clients with a preview of her insightful presentation.

BDD Warriors is a print & play card game designed to help beginners think in terms of scenarios and understand the role of collaboration, besides learning basic BDD syntax. For those who already know BDD, it provides an opening to bring the subject to venues that aren’t familiar with it yet.

19th November, Node Girls Sydney

Vinicius Gerevini and Ronaldo Pereira were invited to attend Node Girls Sydney as mentors, helping to foster an increased participation of women in IT.

24th November, DevFest 16 Wellington NZ

Wilson Mendes shared his Angular experience, assisting fellow developers migrate from Angular 1 to Angular 2. As a distributed conference, he presented from Sydney to attendees in Wellington, NZ.


25th November, Brazil Meetup

Wagner Nunes shared insights of the IT market in Australia and the continued high demand for software development professionals and talent. The talk was hosted by our partner in Porto Alegre, Brazil, DB.

Stay tuned for our next round of events. We look forward to sharing further!


Transform 2017 Conference


2 Years In - Our Observations