Transform 2017 Conference

Today Web Directions launched Transform 2017, Australia’s Digital Government Conference, to be held in Canberra late March.

I’m excited to be representing Pragmateam's transformation experiences in two parts; 

  1. Prevailing the Transformation Pendulum - a 50 minute talk

  2. The Transformation Playbook - an all day workshop, pairing with Dan Sheldon

Prevailing the Transformation Pendulum

Transformation is hard. It is complex. It is multifaceted.

There is no clear right or wrong way to be successful; instead there are guiding principles to anchor to and contextual decisions to make.

In this session, I will walk through examples of transformation learnings, with a particular focus on the importance of People and Culture.

  • What are the varied definitions and approaches to “transformation”?

  • How can we break transformations down into achievable slices rather than an overwhelming mammoth?

  • How does “leadership” change in this new world? What is the ask of our leaders?

  • What does it mean for the people, talent and underlying culture? How do we ensure our people are supported and thriving throughout a transformation?

  • What is the value of delivery during transformation for the end user?

The Transformation Playbook - All Day Workshop

Transformation is not simply about the services we deliver. It's about the organisation, its people, processes and of course the technology used to deliver those services. So we've brought together two half day workshops, that together cover the field.

Part I: A survival guide for digital government with Dan Sheldon

Digital promises to transform government: to reshape the relationship between citizen and the state. That's the theory anyway. The reality of working in digital government is often involves more frustration than transformation. Business cases, governance, procurement, policy, programme management: sometimes it feels like you're drowning in layers of bureaucracy before you've even started.

In this session, we'll take a honest look at the way government works and how to deliver value despite of it. If you're a digital practitioner, this session will equip you to deal with the world around you while staying sane.

You'll learn simple approaches to:

  • Understand and avoid common governance, commercial and technology pitfalls that could spell disaster for your project

  • Identify and work with the various, warring professional tribes in government

  • Getting your management to put user needs first and embrace agile methods

Part II: Real world Transformation with Sarah Atkinson

Transformation is hard. It requires resilience and comradery.

There is no clear right or wrong way to be successful; instead there are guiding principles to anchor to and contextual decisions to make.

In this hands on session, Sarah will introduce you to tools and techniques which form the foundation of affecting transformation, bringing to life behaviours and characteristics underpinning the Digital Services Standard, also weaving in concepts from "Radical Candor" and "The Coaching Habit".

You will then work through a range of simulated transformation scenarios, allowing you to experiment, share and learn.

At the conclusion of the session you will be armed with immediately applicable concepts in preparation for returning to your teams (or why not bring the whole team).


Unlocking Your Coaching Habit - Agile Tour 2016 Recap


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