Pragmatic Insights
From post it to prototype - Agile Tour 2018
Last week we were honoured to run a workshop at Agile Tour. Our workshop posed the challenge to attendees to go “From post it to prototype in 90 min”. Could we go from problem statement to paper prototype and introduce a product delivery framework, a simulated scenario and a toolkit of techniques to use?
Node Girls 2017 Wrap Up
Last week we held our final Node Girls Sydney meetup for 2017. It has been an amazing year of achievements for the group, so it feels timely that we reflect and share.
Unlocking Your Coaching Habit - Agile Tour 2016 Recap
Even if we are not managers, we may encounter many opportunities for coaching and supporting each other every day. We just rarely encounter them consciously.
Transform 2017 Conference
Today Web Directions launched Transform 2017, Australia’s Digital Government Conference, to be held in Canberra late March.
I’m excited to be representing Pragmateam's transformation experiences in two parts.
Giving Back to the Community
Learning and sharing is a key ingredient within Pragmateam’s culture. While we have a very healthy internal shareback rhythm (more about this later) we also actively seek ways to give back to the community, sharing our techniques, experiments and learnings.