Node Girls 2017 Wrap Up

Last week we held our final Node Girls Sydney meetup for 2017. It has been an amazing year of achievements for the group, so I wanted to share some information and photos.

At Pragmateam we are passionate about giving back to the community as reflected in our company OKRs. Throughout 2017 a number of people from Pragmateam have been actively involved in Node Girls Sydney, whether it be at the fortnightly coding dojos or weekend bootcamps.

For those who aren’t familiar with Node Girls and their objective:

@NodeGirlsSydney - A community that is passionate about #genderDiversity, making #JavaScriptand #Nodejs #workshops for women #WomeninSTEM #WomeninTech

As a community we come together for a fortnightly meetup, Coding Dojos and also monthly weekend bootcamps. In September we even did a joint meetup with Software Crafters Sydney.

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#PragmaThanks in particular to mentors RodolfoGuilhermeRonaldoAlabeVini and Fabio for all of their support.

#PragmaThanks to the organisers Tanya and Reena for inviting us to be mentors for the group, it has been an honour and we have really enjoyed learning with everyone.

Photo credits to Emanuele Girani.


Connect the dancefloor with the balcony


Pragmateam OKRs - 2nd Iteration