Our Goals and OKRs


Pragmateam Goals

As our long-term goal, Pragmateam aspires to be:

Employer of Choice, for practitioners with aligned values and mindset
E.g. like-minded practitioners think about Pragmateam as a team they would like to be part of.

Partner of Choice, for clients with aligned values and mindset
E.g. clients with aligned values and mindset think of Pragmateam as their preferred partner to work with.

Pragmateam Strategic Objectives (12 months)

These were defined as OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) by the team and are regularly reviewed.

Objective #1: Our clients trust us as much as they trust their own staff.

  1. Our average client Net Promoter Score is +100 (i.e. everybody is a promoter)

  2. In every client, Pragmatists have earned the right to participate in the client's internal ceremonies

  3. At the completion of 100% of sessions we run with the client, we gather and reflect on feedback

  4. We have at least 1 example a week of being trusted by each client

  5. Once a quarter, each client is happy to provide a website testimonial about the work we're doing

  6. Every client visits every other client with related challenges at least once a year

Objective #2: Learning and experimentation is recognised as an integral part of our culture.

  1. Each Pragmateam client team experiments at least 1 new thing every week, planned at the Start of Week meeting

  2. 100% of successful experiments are continued by the client as a result of our coaching

  3. Every Pragmatist actively participates in Pragmateam outreach and community activities in the way they can (eg. blogging, brown bag sessions, meetups, public Dojos, tweeting etc)

  4. We present at 3 major Australian conferences and we are the the keynote speakers in one of them

  5. We are represented (as presenter, attendee, organiser or sponsor) in 80% of our chosen Meetups in Sydney and Conferences in Australia

Top 5 Meetups:

Sydney Agile & Scrum User Group

  • Pivotal-Syd Tech Talks

  • Syd JS

  • Syd CSS

  • RoR Oceania

Top 5 Conferences:

  • Agile Australia

  • Agile Tour

  • Camp JS

  • JS Conf

  • Yow!


Objective #3: We sustainably grow to a size which provides everyone with plenty of client options and learning opportunities.

  1. We grow to 5 active clients in 12 months, but no more than 1 new client every 3 months

  2. After 3 months of engagement, 100% of clients utilise both our coaching and delivery services

  3. We have a critical change mass of at least 4 Pragmatists in each client, including 1 trusted advisor to the sponsor

  4. 80% of our clients are Sydney based

  5. 100% of Pragmatists could be working in a client as a practitioner

  6. Our engagements with clients continue for 12 months on average

  7. We receive 0 client sponsor complaints if we move Pragmatists to another client 


Delivery: Incremental Objectives Example (8 weeks)

These are examples of delivery and capability uplift objectives for Pragmateam to focus on within a client as part of a delivery partnership.

Objective #1: User stories, not just cards and tickets

  1. 100% of stories have acceptance criteria

  2. 70% of acceptance criteria have been sourced by Product and collaborated on by the whole team

  3. 100% of team members in the teams we work with understand the value of well written user stories


Objective #2: Improve quality: 'knowing what we don't know'

  1. Map 100% of the critical E2E test scenarios

  2. Agree on which are the E2E scenarios for each product

  3. Automate 50% of these scenarios


Objective #3: Make Continuous Delivery 'natural' for client

  1. Help defining a clear integration process and communicate to teams

  2. At least 50% of people in Digital know the Continuous Delivery process

  3. Help making the integration process easier (less steps) and streamlined (less confusion)

  4. 70% of devs know what the branching/tagging strategy is and environments


Objective #4: Promote Continuous Improvement

  1. Create actions for top 5 topics raised in the retrospective

  2. Execute 100% of actions the teams agrees to take on

  3. Review 100% of past retrospective actions


2 Years In - Our Observations


Working with Government - Myth Busting