Mini Conference - August Offsite

Using our regular offsite to share knowledge and learn while sharing the moment with a PragmaFriend

Icebreaker - High energy and nerve wrecking!

Icebreaker - High energy and nerve wrecking!

Previously we have shared the importance of maintaining our culture at Pragmateam, how we lean on a regular cadence including offsites to stay connected

Last week we experimented with the offsite format, hosting a mini conference. Each Pragmatist invited a PragmaFriend, whether it be someone they are working with at a client or someone they felt close aligned to our values and passions.

Starting with a great lunch and very energetic icebreaker, we ran a series of lightning talks throughout the afternoon. There was no specific theme to the talks, other than no boundaries, feel free to share something you are passionate about, whether it be work related or not. 

#PragmaThanks to our keynote speaker Jody Weir, to our PragmaFriends for joining us and to Pragmatists for taking the time to prepare and share.

Keynote Jody Weir - ‘2 key attributes of high performing teams & how to get some of dat!’

Keynote Jody Weir - ‘2 key attributes of high performing teams & how to get some of dat!’

Alabe Duarte - ‘Feedback, a few ways of having honest feedback exchange’

Alabe Duarte - ‘Feedback, a few ways of having honest feedback exchange’

Sam Court - ‘Fearing Fatherhood. What I've learned about confronting my fears and being a dad’

Sam Court - ‘Fearing Fatherhood. What I've learned about confronting my fears and being a dad’

Eduardo & Fernando - ‘Brazilian culture from North to South’

Eduardo & Fernando - ‘Brazilian culture from North to South’

Dom Katz - ‘Overcoming Human Bias - What I've learned by learning how to swim’

Dom Katz - ‘Overcoming Human Bias - What I've learned by learning how to swim’

Sivvoy Taing - ‘Figure Eight Knot, rock climbing’

Sivvoy Taing - ‘Figure Eight Knot, rock climbing’

Sean Tedi - ‘It's Quiet Down Here - Relatable concepts learned through my freediving journey’

Sean Tedi - ‘It's Quiet Down Here - Relatable concepts learned through my freediving journey’

Sam & Dom - ‘A Monomyth of Models - How we've applied existing ideas to make sense in a dynamic environment’

Sam & Dom - ‘A Monomyth of Models - How we've applied existing ideas to make sense in a dynamic environment’

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Maintaining Our Culture


Agile is Not a Destination