Phil Mitchell: Why I joined Pragmateam

Over the past 25 years I have been fortunate to work with many great people at some amazing companies in three countries.  

However, by far my most favourite experiences have come with two small businesses I joined who both had a very specialized focus, supportive ownership and a clear why.  

As a result I have spent 13 of my working years in these two businesses, and I remain extremely close to the owners of both of those businesses to this day.

Having worked with Juliano, the MD of Pragmateam, 11 years ago and followed the successful launch and progress of Pragmateam when we discussed the opportunity to become involved I knew right away this was a great fit for me.  

Built on creating strong cultural values, a dedication to absolute quality work and a laser clear focus on software product design and delivery have made Pragmateam a great place to work.  

I can confidently position Pragmateam knowing we hire only the highest quality of engineers, offer a flexible co-delivery approach and create raving fans everywhere we work. 

Still today, too many software projects fail, some research shows 70% of new technology initiatives either overrun in time and money or don’t meet required outcomes.

Pragmateam wishes to change this statistic

Our purpose is to help clients reach their version of software product and delivery mastery,  whether that's speeding up the design process for a new digital solution, co-delivering and improving development practices on an existing platform or meeting increased engineering demands through our proven offshore delivery model.    

It’s not the official company line however I can’t resist this opportunity, so together...

Let’s make software product delivery great again!

Working in an Offshore Team